The Strive2Write learning platform is designed to help students make a strong reading and writing connection, which research has proven to be one of the more effective approaches for literacy education. We’ve formed our lessons and teaching techniques around concepts and strategies that research has shown to be most effective in helping students read to learn and strive to write.
Strive2Write’s mission is to teach students applicable skills and strategies for reading comprehension and writing composition, fostering confident leaders of the 21st Century.
Strive2Write is known for guiding students in becoming confident readers and writers. The founder, Kara Malo, M. Ed, taught in one of the top school districts in the country, guiding her students to perform well above the national average, even throughout the pandemic. She was also a part of a successful urban school, “Turn Around” project to assist in improving the education for students in a failing school district.
Strive2Write knows first hand what it is like to struggle with reading comprehension and writing composition, which is why teaching these two subjects are at the foundation of its methodology. The Strive2Write teachers have a passion for sharing the strategies that they know will benefit students for a lifetime.
Strive2Write’s online curriculum was developed in order to help students make a reading and writing connection, which research has proven to be one of the more effective approaches for literacy education.
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